SRC Summer Youth Recreation Program
2023 Summer Camp!
Registration is now open for students entering 4th-6th grade in Fall 2023.
Registration for incoming 3rd graders will open May 15th.
Skagway Recreation Center Office
1200 Main Street
Post Office Box 868
Skagway, Alaska 99840
To register please drop off the completed packets below in person or email:
Registration Information:
Parent Handbook & Forms Agreement 2023
Please note there is an additional Emergency Contact Card that must be filled out in person by the parent/guardian.
The SRC Summer Day Camp follows the philosophy of experiential learning. Our goal is to provide children with enjoyable activities and explorations that are meaningful so that they may cultivate knowledge and appreciation through experience. The program focuses are physical activities, the arts, science, nature, history, and culture.
Program Objectives:
- Provide positive experiences
- Provide a wide diversity of activities
- Promote learning through hands-on experience
- Develop self-confidence
- Allow for independence
- Offer opportunities for decision making and problem solving
- Encourage creative self-expression
- Build relationships: healthy patterns of interaction and expressing thoughts and feelings
- Provide a warm and accepting atmosphere
We believe that play, investigation, and the freedom to create will guide children naturally through intellectual, emotional, social, and physical growth. Through fostering an environment of respect and friendship, we offer a well-balanced program of planned activities integrating art, music, science, math, social studies, and physical activity.
The SRC 2023 Summer Day Camp is OPEN:
June 5-8
June 12-15
June 19-22
July 10-13
July 17-20
July 24-27
The hours of operation are Monday-Thursday from NOON – 5:00 p.m. – Except on excursion days when times are subject to change.
Supervision & Ratios
SRC Summer Day Camp surpasses State Regulations for child to teacher ratio which is one teacher for every 18 school aged children 8 to 12 years (1:18). Our child to teacher ratio is one teacher for every 10 school aged children 8-12 years (1:10).
Children are supervised at all times while attending SRC Summer Day Camp:
- Indoor activities: Teacher will be in close proximity facilitating activities and monitoring behavior. During free-play and other indoor activities, teachers will visually confirm the presence and well being of each child on the sign-in sheet regularly.
- Playground: Teacher will allow children a greater degree of freedom when on the playground. Teachers will position themselves so that all areas of the playground are supervised, and will regularly account for all children by counting children or visually confirming the presence and well being of each child on the sign-in sheet.
Field Trips: During field trips, each teacher or volunteer will be assigned a group of no more than 10 children. Children will be counted often throughout trips and first aid kits with copies of emergency cards will be taken along. The purpose for constant supervision of children is to ensure:
- Children are making safe choices
- The environment is safe
- Behavior is managed positively and immediately
- Children are assisted with conflict resolution
- Participants are supported in the development of confidence, creativity, and communication skills
- A quality program is offered
Staff Qualifications
- Extensive experience working with children, parents, and volunteers
- CPR and first aid certified
- Criminal background clearance
- Organized, orderly, energetic, and excellent with children
- On the job experience in developing and facilitating activities for children ages 8-12
- Physical ability and stamina to facilitate children’s activities
- Strong customer service experience and professional communication skills
Allergy Policy
It may become necessary to prohibit certain food from the Day Camp due to severe allergies. This ensures that those with allergies are safe and free from accidental ingestion. We appreciate your cooperation on this and will notify you if we have an allergy alert.
Birthday Treat Policy
We want both you and your child to enjoy his/her special day. Feel free to join them for lunch and/or you may bring in a birthday treat to share. Small celebrations for them at the Camp are permitted. This may only include the children enrolled at the center and family members.
If you are going to bring a treat, please be sure to provide enough for all of the children attending that day. Below are some ideas for birthday treats. If you have other ideas or any questions, consult with the teacher.
- Fresh fruits
- Cupcakes
- Juice Pops
- Cake
- Brownies
- Popsicles
- Sundaes
- Cookies
- Ice cream cones
Children With Special Needs Policy
SRC Summer Day Camp strives to meet the needs of ALL children in our care. If your child has special needs we will collaborate on developing and implementing a detailed plan to meet your child’s needs before enrollment, including discussing reasonable accommodations and results of evaluations (if you choose to discuss them). We require parental collaboration in determining and obtaining community resources, which may augment the Camps resources. We will attempt to accommodate children’s needs through recommendations of special needs professionals. However, our limitations may preclude the child from entering our program. We will make every attempt to accommodate children with special needs in the SRC Summer Day Camp program.
Confidentiality Policy
Enrolled children and parents’ records will be kept confidential, except:
- As needed by Skagway Recreation Center staff
- Licensing representative from the State of Alaska, Health & Social Services in the case of reporting situations which may require child protective services
As required by Alaska State law AS 47.17.020, the center must report any suspected cases of abuse or neglect of any child at the center, to the nearest office of the Office of Children’s Services.
Emergency Procedures and Policy
Injury | Fire | Earthquake | Flood/Tsunami | Stranger Alert |
1. Administer first aid 2. If severe, call 911 – Call Parents 2. If not severe, fill out an accident report and tell parents at pick-up |
1. Exit building immediately 2. Meet at Meeting Place (State Street sidewalk) 3. Take attendance 4. Wait for further direction from Fire and Police Department. |
1. Stay inside. Duck and cocer under a heavy table or desk. If not possible seek cover against an interior wall and protect your head and neck with your arms.2. Hold positon unitl ground stops.3. Wait for further direction from Fire and Police Department. | 1. Meet in kitchen immediately 2. Take attendance 4. Wait for further direction from Fire and Police Department. |
1. Child will report or teacher will suspect a stranger danger situation 2. Teacher will call out the secret word 3. Children will immediately line up for attendance and directions. |
Field Trip Policy
We take walking fieldtrips daily. A blanket permission slip will be signed to cover all regular walking fieldtrips.
Additional permission slips will be used for special fieldtrips. A first aid kit, cell phone, and copies of children’s emergency cards accompany every fieldtrip. Teacher will closely supervise the children at all times.
Grievance Policy
It is important for the SRC Summer Day Camp staff to work with you on any concerns you may have. We have set up easy steps to follow when you have an issue to be sure it is addressed and resolved. Those who contend with Skagway Summer Day Camp policies or procedures must follow the grievance procedure below:
- Step 1. Discuss the matter causing concern with the teacher.
- Step 2. If this discussion does not resolve the problem, the parent shall report in writing to the Rec. Center Director or designee. The Director or designee must submit a written reply to the parent within five days of receipt.
- Step 3. If the parent considers the response unsatisfactory, the grievance shall be referred to the Municipality of Skagway Borough Manager:
Municipality of Skagway
PO Box 415
Skagway, AK 99840
Phone: (907) 983-2297
Fax: (907) 983-2151
At each appeal level (steps 1, 2, & 3) the parent has the right to have witnesses and to have a third party to represent him/her.
Health and Illness Policy
We are concerned with the health and well-being of all children and adults who have contact with your child throughout the day. We request you to keep children who are potentially infectious at home. If you have any doubts in the morning about your child’s health, keep them home. Please call the Rec Center (983-2679) by 11:00 a.m. so your child can be accounted for.
All children who are well enough to be in attendance will be taken outdoors for play on a daily basis.
Parent Notification
The SRC will notify all parents of enrolled children by email and handouts sent home with campers when outbreaks of the following list occur: strep throat, impetigo; measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox; pinworms; head lice, scabies, pink eye or any other highly contagious disease or virus.
Staff will call the parent immediately if their child:
- Bites or is bitten with a skin break
- Falls and hits their head hard
- Has an obvious mark on their head or face
- Is lethargic or hurting
- Becomes sick or develops a fever
- Is involved in an injury needing to be assessed by the local clinic
- Is involved in an injury which the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) is called
Emergency Injuries
Every attempt will be made to ensure that your child will be in a safe environment, but no matter how much we monitor conditions, accidents do occur.
Staff is CPR and first aid certified. However, if your child requires more than basic first aid, the following steps will be taken:
- Staff calls EMS
- Parents or guardians are contacted
- If parents or guardians are not available then the emergency contact is called
All incidents and accidents will be documented on a written report with the teacher and Parent/Guardian signature. Parents are responsible for cost of medical treatment due to accident or illness while at Camp. The EMS ambulance response does not impose charges for responding and assessment, only for treatment and transport. Parents may pay a yearly fee for ambulance transport insurance at the Skagway Municipal Offices.
Medication Administration
Camp Staff will only administer medications provided by the parent. Written permission must be obtained from the parent for each individual dose of over the counter drugs. Prescription drugs must have a current label with the prescribing child’s name, the specific period of time that the drug may be administered to the child, and the dosage. Medicine will be only be administered by the teacher. MEDICATIONS must be kept in the Rec. Center office and out of reach of children.
Basic First Aid:
- First Aid given will include cold compress, band-aids, and soap & water will be used to treat bumps and abrasions
- Sunscreen, bug repellent and regular skin hydrating lotion will be used as needed and with parents written permission.
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea in the 12 hours prior to scheduled time to attend the center
- Temperature of 100 degrees or greater
- Persistent yellow thick mucus
- An uncontrollable or persistent cough
- Pink eye that hasn’t been treated
- Strep throat which has not been treated with an antibiotic for 24 hours
- Any rash of acute onset associated with fever or symptoms of illness
- Impetigo with less than 24 hours of treatment with an antibiotic
- Head lice or scabies that has not been treated
If a child displays any of the above symptoms, we will take all steps possible to see that he or she is kept quiet and comfortable until a parent or authorized person can take him/her home. WHEN YOUR CHILD HAS ANY OF THE ABOVE CONDITIONS, YOU WILL NEED TO PICK THEM UP WITHIN ONE HOUR OF BEING NOTIFIED. AFTER ONE HOUR WE WILL CHARGE $15.00 FOR EVERY 15 MINUTES YOUR CHILD IS LEFT IN OUR CARE.
Returning After An Illness
A child who has had an infectious or communicable disease may return to the program in the following time period:
- Chicken pox: Five days after the last blister has scabbed
- Pinworm: After 48 hours of being on medication
- Strep throat: After 24 hours of being on an antibiotic
- Head lice: Signed release from a medical practitioner stating child is free of eggs, nits, and mature lice
- Any others: Must be discussed with the Administrator/Lead teacher
- Fever free for 24 hours
- We will not accept children on the same day they have undergone general anesthesia.
Reducing Spread of Disease
We adhere to the following guidelines regarding Universal Precautions to Prevent Transmission of Blood-borne Diseases:
- Wash hands before food handling, preparation, serving, eating, or table setting
- Wear gloves when helping a child with exposed bodily fluids (blood, mucus, vomit, urine, bowl movement)
- Cover cuts and sores with bandages
- Immediately clean blood soiled surfaces and disinfect using the SRC bio-hazard clean-up kit
- Put blood soiled material in bio-hazard plastic bags.
- Call Municipality of Skagway Public Works to pick-up bio-hazard bag
- Bag any blood soiled cloth items (not being worn by the camper). Machine wash separately in hot soapy water
If camp staff knows the camp to be exposed to infectious or communicable disease, the following action as recommended by the Center for Disease Control will be followed:
Lice & Scabies:
- All personal cloth/clothing items will be bagged and sent home with campers to be washed in hot water and dried in a hot dryer.
- All Camp cloth items will be washed in hot water and dried in a hot dryer by camp staff, board members or SRC Staff.
- Camp room floors and furniture will be vacuumed. Rec Center areas where the infested person sat or laid will also be vacuumed.
- Campers will be taught to avoid activities that may spread head lice.
In addition to CDC recommendations, if the campers are exposed to any of the above listed diseases or infections, all tables, chairs, counters, shelves, floors and doors handles in the camp room will be washed with hot soapy water on the day infection is reported to Camp or SRC Staff
Open Door Policy
All parents are welcome to observe SRC Summer Day Camp at anytime, except on some excursion days that limit the capacity of people. We encourage you to stay with your child/children as they warm up to the environment each day. You are invited to come for lunch or to do an activity with your child whenever you would like.
Policy Changes
If policy changes are made during the summer season, SRC Summer Day Camp will inform all Parents/Guardians by mail within 1-week. Parent input is encouraged.
Alaska Statutes require that all childcare providers, who have reasonable cause to suspect that a child has suffered harm as a result of abuse or neglect, must immediately (as soon as possible- no later than 24 hours) report that information to the nearest office of the Office of Children’s Services (OCS). Camp Staff is therefore obligated by law to report such incidents within 24 hours to the Office of Children’s Services. Skagway Summer Camp policy is to follow this State Law. Our priority is the safety of the child and the handling of the situation in a confidential and professional manner.
Substitute and Volunteer Policy
All substitute and volunteer teachers have been interviewed and have on file three positive references. Volunteers schedule specific workshops to work with the children and the volunteers work under the supervision of the teacher.
Video and Video Game Policy
We may provide occasional movie viewing. No more than once a week. A related discussion or activity will follow. During choice quiet activities, children will be allowed to occasionally play personal video games. This type of activity (television, dvd, video, and video games) will not exceed 1.0 hour per day.
Daily Procedures
- Day Camp begins at 12:00 NOON, promptly
- Child or Parent/Guardian signs in child
- Child puts lunch/snack bag in refrigerator
- IF NEEDED: Parents fill out medication authorization forms
- Child or Parent/Guardian signs out child
- Staff will discuss any incident reports, projects, participation, behavior, and overall observations of your child for the day (or will email a report home).
- Collect lunch/snack bag
- Camp ends at 5:00 p.m. daily
Snack and Lunch
Our priority is to ensure your child is eating nutritious foods and developing healthy eating habits. Please notify us if your child has any food allergies or dietary restrictions.
- Lunch is at NOON
- If there are multiple children from one family, please provide each child with a separate lunch
- We will notify you if we are concerned with the nutrition level of your child’s lunches
- PLEASE, do not send candy, soda, or gum with your child, these items will be set aside and sent home
- Label your child’s sack lunch, lunch box, or any other food containers you send
Storage for Personal Items
Children may store their coats, gym shoes, and backpacks on specified shelves in the Rec Center. To be prepared for daily walking fieldtrips and hiking, children will need to keep a backpack with supplies at the Rec Center.
HIKING SUPPLIES must include (will keep at Rec. Center and label everything):
- Backpack or fanny pack
- Water bottle
- Sunscreen
- Bug repellant
- Raincoat
- Extra socks
- Gloves and hat
Going outside! Be prepared!
When weather is nice, children will be encouraged to spend much of their time outside. Even on slightly rainy days, we will have outdoor activities for at least 30 minutes (minimum). The children will not go outside if the temperature falls below 32-degrees Fahrenheit or if rain and wind conditions are intense. Please send campers in layers and with rain gear.
- Indoor activities may include: Arts, science, cooking, rock climbing, soccer, hockey, basketball, volleyball, badminton, yoga, dance, poi, archery, karate, occasional big screen movie, journaling, creative writing, sewing, drama, music
- Arts may include: Clay, modge podge, play dough, shaving cream, sculpture with paper maché, recyclables, tin foil, finger painting, watercolor, puppet making, music, drama
- Science may include: gardening, animal studies/observations, plant collection books and plant identification hiking, magnets, experiments
- Outside activities may include: hiking, bird watching, running games, baseball, basketball, soccer, walking, playing at the playground, gardening, making waterslides, building sandcastles, observing salmon
Behavior Guidance Methods
Behavior management is carried out in ways to help children develop self-control and assume responsibility for his/her actions. Appropriate behavior is positively encouraged and when children get “off track” they are redirected or are provided with positive behavior choices.
The SRC Summer Camp children will design a set of rules and consequences. All participants will follow these rules.
If a rule is not followed:
- Verbal warning
- Schedule meeting with parent
- Action plan and consequences which will be tailored to fit the circumstances and individual needs.
(A behavioral plan will be created if necessary: addressing the specific inappropriate behaviors and providing examples of appropriate behaviors to be used in similar circumstances in the future).
Safety at the Rec Center
Staff encourage and supervise the children to use the equipment appropriately and safely. The outdoor and indoor facilities are evaluated regularly for health and safety maintenance.
Due to the shared use of the Skagway Recreation Center, children will only use the restrooms across from the Rec Center office and will use the buddy system. Additionally, children will learn and practice the “Stranger Danger” actions to follow if they have an uncomfortable encounter with a stranger (See emergency procedures above and inquire with the program administrator if you have any questions).
The following are NOT allowed in the SRC facility at any time:
- Animals (7 AAC 10.1090). An exception will be made for service animals.
- Poisonous Plants (7 AAC 10.1095)
- Firearms (7 AAC 10.1080). Firearms will not be kept at the facility. Law enforcement and individuals with concealed weapon permits are permitted.
Safety on Fieldtrips
A first aid kit, cell phone, and copies of children’s emergency cards accompany every fieldtrip. Teacher will closely supervise the children at all times.
Activity Schedule
Sample Program Schedule:
Arrival: Sign-in, eat lunch, free play
Daily Meeting: cover day’s events and check in with each other. This will also provide time for the teacher to cover various rules so that children are aware of what is expected and understand the consequences of disruptive actions.
Workshop: Guest teacher or fieldtrip
- Taiya Inlet Watershed Council: Water sampling, drain observations, etc.
- Tribal Council: Language, art, storytelling, plant gathering, preserves, etc.
- Fieldtrip: Frisbee golf, hiking, playground, library, museum, etc.
Afternoon meeting: reflect on the day’s events, clean-up, prep things to take home.
4:50-5:00 pm
Sign out, parent pick-up or bike/walk home.
Parents will be required to sign special waivers for all field trips and adventure tours with both the vendor and Municipality of Skagway.
Prior to attending the SRC Summer Day Camp the Parent/Guardian is responsible for:
- Payment in full
- Completed Registration Application Form
- Emergency card
- Parent Handbook and Forms Agreement
- Child Release Authorization
- Sign In / Sign Out Procedure Designation
- Fieldtrip permission
- Sunscreen/Bug repellent permission
- Photo Release Form
All of the above items must be on file and all fees must be paid for your child to attend the SRC Summer Day Camp.
Please keep all of your documentation current. It is the Parent/Guardian’s responsibility to inform the staff of phone numbers, new jobs, addresses, persons allowed to pick up children, or any other changes to their files.
Children will only be released to adults designated on their Child Release Authorization form. Children will not be released to unauthorized persons. Any exceptions must be pre-arranged in writing or verbally (teacher documentation) and cleared with the teacher.
To ensure the quality of the program, space is limited to 22 children with up to 8 daily drop-ins (activity dependent). Enrollment is on a first come first serve basis. When possible, parents will be contacted as space becomes available. All paperwork must be on file for child to attend. Payment must be received the on the day of attendance. An additional charge of $5.00 will be added to payment received after services rendered.
Depending on available space, participants may pay a $30 per day drop-in fee if space becomes available. All necessary paperwork must be completed and on file beforehand.